Privacy of Facebook Timeline

As I can see, Its the competition with Google+ made the Facebook change this fast. Change is good, but not always. Few months ago Facebook released a developer version of its new concept called "Timelone" which replaces people's profile. If you are a Developer of Facebook, you have the chance to experience this new timeline which i'm talking about.


Timeline will be available in the upcoming weeks. Once it's ready, you'll see a notice at the top of your old profile. In the meantime, learn more about what you can do with timeline.
Once you upgrade, you’ll have 5 days to play with your timeline before other people can see it. You can use this time to add a coverfill in life events, and star important stories. You can also choose to publish your timeline at any time by clicking the Publish Now button at the top of your timeline. Note: You won’t be able to see your friend’s timelines until they upgrade and publish.

(Facebook Help Center/5th Nov 2011)


There are many features which seems to be so cool. But in my point of view this change is not so good. It let us write our life-story on facebook to share with everyone.
And top of all that, it let us change previous events, add life-events to the history & it enable us to change the date/time of publish even for past event. I strongly believe that is something we should not be able to do.

We should be very careful when using any social network. Because once you share something on internet, you can never take it back. I'm sure you have heard this story before, but still we all do the same... :-?

Now these social networks are not only sharing what you want to share. It also share what you do on internet (some times without even asking). I hope no one wants to share everything you do on internet.

Keep in mind, Facebook, Google, Yahoo are spying tools for US intelligence...
You are doing free work for US government to make their database strong....

Before you post something, Just ask yourself 
"Do I really need to share this with others..."
